What is the Secret to JewishMom Happiness?

I also wanted to share some cool JewishMOM links with you…

I read such a poignant and smart article this week about motherhood by Tziporah Price called
Don’t miss it!

Also, I just found out that one of my all time favorite teachers, Leah Golomb, is now teaching ONLINE for FREE! Her classes on the Torah Portion and faith are filled with her incredible knowledge of Torah and Chassidic teachings, mixed in with her incredible life experiences (she has lived through a lot- life as a mother of triplets and, lehavdil, a kidney transplant- an amazing amazing person!). She teaches with 100% of her gut and soul. Highly recommended! Sign up at www.WebYeshiva.org

Also, for moms who live in Israel and understand Hebrew, This Tuesday and Wednesday (July 14-15) the incredible, annual Binyan Shalem conference is going to be taking place at the Binyanei Hauma conference center in Jerusalem. I think of Binyan Shalem as a 2-Day-long Mommy Peptalk. Two days of non-stop fascinating classes on marriage, motherhood, and Jewish womanhood. I’m going to be there, along with many, many thousands of other moms. Just being in the company of that many Jewish moms also in search of inspiration is in itself intensely inspiring. Click here to learn more

Rabbi Elyakim Levanon shlita says you can deduct the entrance fee from your Maaser money. Hope to see you there!

One comment

  1. Thank you! How profound, and just what I need to hear, being overwhelmed with my little kids.

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