2 Songs for Shula A"H

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Today I saw that the video I posted on YouTube a few days ago of 3-year-old Shula Swerdlov’s grandmother speaking on the final day of her Shiva has been viewed over 10,000 times.

Thank G-d- I thought- the urgent and vital message of Mrs. Swerdlov’s speech is reaching people all over the world.

But then I got a very bad feeling.  I realized all of a sudden that G-d probably wasn’t so pleased with my editing job.

So, below is footage of what stupidly ended up on my cyber-cutting room floor, but, I realize in retrospect, was actually the most important part of Mrs. Swerdlov’s whole talk.

Here are the 2 songs Mrs. Swerdlov sang for her granddaughter.  Get your tissues ready…


One comment

  1. thank you, Chana Jenny

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