Rebbetzin RLZ’s Very Funny Passover Video

Rebbetzin RLZ’s Very Funny Passover Video

This is VERY funny. I’m looking forward to watching all of this “rebbetzin”‘s videos. Please note, you have to know some Hebr-ish to understand the punchlines…Thanks to Sara Mond for sending this my way!



  1. Hadassah Aber

    too much! talk about going overboard!

  2. hysterical. please get more of these. who is this rebetzin? anyone who went to a bais yaakov-type seminary will appreciate this. thanks!!

  3. This is just the best.

  4. Deborah S

    She is beyond hysterical. I also would like to know who she is. She’s terrific; please send us more.

  5. Wonderful. The last two years we were at a Pesach hotel with this hilarious woman, and she was the life of the staff dining room. She is a lovely person with a sweet family, and obviously very talented. It’s great to see her face again.

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