New Weekly “Ask the Rebbetzin” Teleconference with Rebbetzin Neustat

New Weekly “Ask the Rebbetzin” Teleconference with Rebbetzin Neustat

FYI: Rebbetzin Yitty Neustat is starting a new live weekly teleconference to answer women’s questions on marriage, motherhood, Jewish womanhood etc. etc. etc. This means that women will now have an opportunity to ask a question [by fax or voice mail] and get a live answer from the Rebbetzin.

For those of you who have never heard her, Reb. Neustat is one of the most popular lecturers on women’s topics in Israel, and I think she’s very inspirational.

Call 845-783-9290 to register (the conference will take place 10-11 AM EST every Tuesday. $5 a week)


  1. Wow – I LOVE Rebbitzen Neudstat…she has changed my life in so many ways…I wish it was at a better time (5 pm Israel time is prime time for crazy kid hour with dinner!). Maybe she’ll do another one sometime…*sigh*

  2. Yes, 7am here in Washington is not either ideal! Sounds like it’ll only be East Coast people…

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