“The Singing Doctor” Serenades his Newborn Babies (2-Minute SWEET Video)

“The Singing Doctor” Serenades his Newborn Babies (2-Minute SWEET Video)

Thanks so much to Hadassah Aber for sending this my way, I LOVED IT!


  1. Such a special doctor!And did you see what it does for the mothers!!!
    This also reminds us of the power of the very first words – and notes – we want our Yiddishe neshamelach to hear. In many families (mine included) we begin our babies’ welcome into the world with Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe and reciting the holy Alef Bais.

  2. What a great way to welcome the babies!

    I sang to all my babies. I have a terrible voice and no music teacher has been able to fix it even though I’ve worked hard at it. Much of the time, when I started singing to my babies, they calmed down. Even if they didn’t calm down, I did! 😉 My children are all singers with decent voices. They won’t be rock stars or opera singers, but they love music and are active even if they won’t be lead singers.

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