Getting Married, Corona-Style (1-Minute Video)

Getting Married, Corona-Style (1-Minute Video)

A few hours ago, a young couple named Anava and Yaron managed to celebrate their marriage with a large wedding–while maintaining the strict regulations of the Ministry of Health banning gatherings of more than 10 people.
The couple got married at Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav (I could hear the celebrations from my living room). And this was their creative solution: their relatives stood/danced on the yeshiva’s roof and balconies while maintaining the recommended 2 meters distance from each other. Yeshiva students danced on the remaining dorm porches.
It’s so inspirational to see so many couples getting married now, continuing to live, to create new Jewish families and homes despite the plague that has managed to shut down much of the world. Am Yisrael Chai! Mazal tov, Anava and Yaron! 



  1. That is so beautiful

  2. Rachel F.

    Mi k’amcha Yisrael! WoW!!

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