In Quarantine and Ready to Strangle Your Husband? Read this First! by Rebbetzin Feige Twerski
It was announced that the first casualty of the coronavirus epidemic came about after a wife strangled her husband to death.
And let’s be frank. The truth is, there will be moments in quarantine that we will understand this woman very well!
So how do we not get to the point where we want to strangle our husbands?
Traumas and difficult situations in life either bring a married couple closer or drive a wedge between us. So if we use this opportunity to share with one another, to share a class together, to watch a video together, to renew our friendship together, that could bring us closer together.
Many women right now are thinking: Poor me, look at me, it’s so hard on me! Look at me with all these kids to take care of! Look at me with the mess I deal with every day! Look at me, how will I manage with Pesach?
And what we’re saying is true, what we’re going through is very difficult.
But we should remember, and this is a very important tip in life whenever we are facing a challenging interpersonal situation, to attempt to focus on the other person and what he’s going through.
Don’t forget, in most cases, our husbands’ income has now been cut or is completely gone. Men are very connected to their jobs, this virus creates a very difficult situation especially for a man. If I stop to think about what this situation is doing to his life, and I have some compassion for him, and I stop thinking about myself so much, it works wonders.
When we focus on the other person, when we can get out of ourselves, we calm down and handle situations so much better. It’s almost magical.
This is a short excerpt from Rebbtezin Twerski’s class on coping during quarantine, I highly recommend listening to the whole class, it’s a gem!