Mazal tov! Jonathan Pollard Celebrates 1st Birthday in Israel🇮🇱🥳

Mazal tov! Jonathan Pollard Celebrates 1st Birthday in Israel🇮🇱🥳

Mazal tov to Jonathan and Esther Pollard on Jonathan’s 67th birthday this past Shabbat, his first since making aliya! In this video, Jonathan explains how he tried to keep his faith and hope strong despite the hardships of prison by looking every morning and evening at a photo of Esther and a photo of Beit Yonatan, an apartment complex named in his honor for Jewish families next to the Old City which he’d never seen but dreamt to see one day. And b’H that day has come! May Jonathan and Esther be blessed with health and good news from now on!


  1. Evelyn Haies

    I made aliyah but in Hadassah ein kerem. Mazal tov. It feels like 30 years of torture since i left brooklyn July 4

    • what does this comment mean? “It feels like 30 years of torture since i left brooklyn July 4” were you born in Israel and dislike it?

      Are you from New York and arrived here on July 4?

      • JewishMom

        i think she means that it was torture waiting for jonathan pollard to be released from prison

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