Choosing Happiness Today

This Week’s Newsletter

  1. This Week’s Mommy Peptalk: “Choosing Happiness Today”
  2.’s amazing Fathers Day Video

Shalom Jewish Moms!

1. This week’s mommy peptalk is called “Choosing Happiness Today.”  Some thoughts on how we can be happy even though our current situation feels so incredibly imperfect.

2. In honor of Fathers Day, wants to take this opportunity to salute our partners in parenting- JEWISH DADS! Thank you, Dads, for being our best friends, for being there in the best of times and the worst of times, for supporting us and loving us and enabling us to be the best moms possible.

I have watched this video “Still My Daddy” a bunch of times, and it makes me cry each time.

Thank you Dads!

With blessings, Chana Jenny Weisberg,

One comment

  1. Love this peptalk! It is soooo REAL and inspiring, as I always say you are! 🙂

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