So I think the cause of all the madness is the internet generation…We are always looking at other things while searching for something on another window, etc. And we as woman- who are so great at multi-tasking- we are in mind and at hand doing various things because theres NO time to just sit and hear the birds chirping, etc. As hard as it is, I sit at the park near my kids school and let them play after school for a half an hour while I push them on the swings and really take part of the outing,(the park is empty at this time) and at night I try to give them personal stories instead of books so that I feel we are communicating thoughts and feelings and not just command reply – rebuke, punish etc…
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So I think the cause of all the madness is the internet generation…We are always looking at other things while searching for something on another window, etc. And we as woman- who are so great at multi-tasking- we are in mind and at hand doing various things because theres NO time to just sit and hear the birds chirping, etc. As hard as it is, I sit at the park near my kids school and let them play after school for a half an hour while I push them on the swings and really take part of the outing,(the park is empty at this time) and at night I try to give them personal stories instead of books so that I feel we are communicating thoughts and feelings and not just command reply – rebuke, punish etc…