The New!

Jewish moms, SURPRISE!
After several months of late nights and hard work, I am SO THRILLED to be launching the new!
In honor of this site’s 10 year anniversary, a few months ago I decided that the time had finally come to create a new-and-improved I pray that this new site, which unites the website and the blog, will enable to inspire even more Jewish moms in their holy mission raising the next generation of the Jewish people.
But, the truth is that if I hadn’t received a ton encouragement and a ton of help, you would not be seeing this new site today.
From the bottom of my heart, I need to thank:
My husband, Joshua: Who slowly but surely convinced me over the course of several weeks that the thousands of Jewish moms who visit monthly deserve a better website. In fact, they deserve the best website possible.
Yaal Herman: Who is a gifted web designer and a dear friend of my husband’s for over 22 years. It was Yaal who convinced Josh that a new website was not a luxury- it was an absolute necessity. Yaal’s guidance and extensive professional advice throughout this project were totally invaluable.
Betty Herman: Who is Yaal’s wife, and one of my most loyal and enthusiastic readers. If Betty wasn’t a fan, then I doubt that Yaal would have nudged Josh to nudge me. (This is starting to sound like Had Gadya, but it’s really true!)
Miriam, Deena, Eliana, and Naama at Illuminea: Who designed this clean, user-friendly new site and who were always a true pleasure to work. A rare combination of genuine friendliness and professional excellence.
Sheva Chaya Shaiman and Shoshana Motzen: Who, with a lot of patience and a ton of talent, created the artwork for this gorgeous new banner. I LOVE IT!
You JewishMOMS!: Who enable me week after week to fulfill my personal life’s mission that is taped at eye-level onto my computer lest I should ever forget “My Mission: To inspire Jewish mothers with creative projects that inspire me.”
And lastly: Hashem: Who over the course of the past decade has guided me and helped me to become an inspired mom who can inspire other moms, spreading across the globe and cyberspace “Inspiration from Jewish Mother to Another.”
Ve hatzlacha!!! Looks Great!!!
Congratulations, Chana! The site is beautiful!
Wonderful! I look forward to enjoying the new layout!! 🙂 Thank you and Congrats!
B’hatzlacha!! Looking forward
Chana, MAZAL TOV! The site looks wonderful, it’s so beautiful and welcoming! I’ve been a follower since the very beginning of your writings, when your first book was still a MANUSCRIPT and you sent me a copy when I was pregnant with my first child 9 years ago! Thank you for helping all us Jewish moms stay positive and productive! Tizku l’mitzvos!
Mazal tov! The site is beautiful!
I LOVE it!! great job!
chana, mazel tov! we all know how hard you have been working on this! may you always be able to reach out and teach others!
Fantastic! Thank you!
Beautiful. Friendly and inviting.
I really admire the efforts you make.
I love it!! So happy to see how far you have come from those days of the simple emailed updates to now, this beautiful and fancy website. It really looks great and you are truly an inspiration to me and all the other Jewish moms around the world. Toda and Mazal Tov!
Dear Chana
Congratulations on the new website!!!!!!!!!! I always look forward to your inspiring emails and your wonderful enthusiasm, which truly is contagious! I just adore the new Mommy illustration at the top- I should print it out and look at it every time I feel overwhelmed! She may be cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, working, typing and shopping simultaneously- but most importantly- she is smiling! I just love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mazal tov and may you have continues success in the future!
All the best,
Deenah Misk
Fantastic! Kol HaKavod. What a project. It looks great. Love the logo.
Awesome! Thanks for making the time to do this. It’s great!
Chana Jenny!
How smart you were to start this ten years ago – and what an inspiration you remain ten years on.
I really do enjoy your writing and the site just looks great. Illuminea are terrific people.
Best Shoshana B.
Jenny, we’re all so touched here at illuminea! So nice to get individual mentions! We all enjoyed working with you too.
Behatzlacha raba. I hope your site continues to inspire Jewish moms around the world.
Beautiful! thank you! The interface is a better match for the great content.
Jenny, we had a great time working with you on this important project. And it was so nice of you to thank all of us personally!
What a beautiful surprise!
We see Chana Jenny’s neshama shining through your new layout.
May you continue to do your yiyud and inspire the mothers of Klal Yisrael.
Looks beautiful! You should be very very very very matzliach!
: )
Pretty and refreshing! Kol Hakavod to you and your artistic team.
I especially love the mommy with the octopus arms.