Vote for the Cutest Jewish Child Contest Winner!

Thanks SO MUCH to all you JewishMOMs who took the time to send in photos of and stories about all of your delicious cuties! I’ve been enjoying this contest so much that my husband and I have already been brainstorming a bunch of new fun contests for the coming months…
Below you will find the “Cutest Jewish Child Contest” Semifinalists. Vote for your favorite Cute Jewish Child Candidate at the bottom of this post, and the winner will receive a free copy of my book One Baby Step at a Time: 7 Secrets of Jewish Motherhood!

Cute Kid Contestants #1

Cute Kid Contestant #2

Cute Kid Contestant #3

Cute Kid Contestant #4

Cute Kid Contestant #5

Cute Kid Contestant #6

Cute Kid Contestant #7

Cute Kid Contestant #8

Cute Kid Contestant #9

Cute Kid Contestant #10

Cute Kid Contestant #11

Cute Kid Contestant #12

Cute Kid Contestant #13

Cute Kid Contestant #14

Cute Kid Contestants #15

Cute Kid Contestant #16

Cute Kid Contestant #20
Cute Kid Contestant #17:
A story from Sara Mond Bushwick: 22-month-old Rivka Devora Bushwick was running around the house. As she was going through a doorway, she bumped into the doorpost. Rivka Devora stopped, looked at the doorpost, said “Boo boo?” to it in a sympathetic tone. She then gave it a quick kiss and a pat, and kept on running.
Cute Kid Contestant #18:
A story by Devora Goldberg: We took our kids (ages 4 and 2) to an indoor playground one Sunday…
The kids were enjoying going on the rides until they dried up our coin collection for the day.
My son asked my husband for another quarter to go on the ride…
DH: “I have no more, you used them all up”
DS: “Do you have a cwedit cawd”?
Cute Kid Contestant #19: A story from Debra David: I once took my eldest child, Tova, to the mall for a special “Day with Mom.” Since Tova recently turned 5, I bought her a bus pass. I gave Tova the pass and explained that when she gets on the bus she should hand the pass to the driver who will punch it and return it to her. Tova was soooo proud. She had her own bus pass!
She turned to me and asked, “Did your Mommy give you your own bus pass when you were 5?” I explained that when I was little there were no buses where I lived.
Tova replied, “Did you ride on a camel?”
OK, JewishMOMs, now it’s your turn. On your marks, get set, VOTE!
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too hard to choose, they are all knein a hara so delicious, how can you pick one? Love the comments as well!
All v cute, ka”h. My kids are also cute, but I already have a copy of your book! 🙂
A story to add: When I got up from my nap this Shabbos afternoon, my husband asked me whether I had had a good sleep, to which my little boy added, “You look like you had a good sleep!” When I giggled, he said, “Well, you always say it to me, so I thought it was the right thing to say!”
Impossible to choose! They are all so precious! G-d bless these children, my own precious daughter, and all the beautiful Jewish children all over the world! I would have submitted a photo too but I also already have a copy of the book! (when is the next one coming???!!)
I think the jewish factor is important!
me too – already have a copy of the book! guess that’s why most of us didn’t enter!
The optical illusion in #15 makes it seem as if the brother is standing in his hand. interesting pose. may all of these kinderlach bring their parents and families much yiddishe nachas.
They are all beautiful but I think number 4 is absolutely adorable! What a handsome little boy!
They’re all gorgeous. Each one a special neshama, sparkling with life.