And the Winning Cutest Jewish Child is…

First Place
Our absolutely adorable First-Place Winner is 3-year-old Yechiel Moshe Rosenthal of Ramat Beit Shemesh. Yechiel’s mom, Penina, writes: “Yechiel Moshe is a risk-taker. He’s wild and goofy and funny, but he’s also a very sensitive child. He is the second of our three children, and we will be cutting his hair in Meron this Sunday.”
Yechiel’s mother told me that, in fact, Yechiel Moshe is no stranger to the limelight. It turns out that his YouTube “Funniest Home Video” has already been watched over 800,000 times!
Yechiel’s mother, Penina, will be receiving a free copy of my book One Baby Step at a Time: Seven Secrets of Jewish Motherhood… To the proud Rosenthal parents, much nachas from your #1 cutie!!

Second Place
Our 2nd Place Winner is 4-month-old Phoebe Fisher of Williamsburg, New York. Her mother, Susan Greenberg Fisher, writes: “Phoebe is the first grandchild on both sides of our family. While she is very smiley and happy, she can also be serious and inquisitive, much like the photo. She is a very curious baby who loves walking around outside and taking in the stimulation of street life. During the week, she comes to work with mommy at the Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation (we call her “the intern”). She likes to look at the sculpture of Chaim Gross. Her favorite friend right now is Curious George.

Third Place
Our Third Place winner is 15-month-old Mordechai Zucker of Ramot, Jerusalem. Mordechai’s mother writes: Mordechai loves exploring the world around him and playing with his older brother Mendel and younger sister Esther. He also loves to eat as you can tell!! This picture was taken at his aunt’s birthday party on the day after Passover. There’s nothing like good vanilla ice cream!

Fourth Place
Our Fourth-Place Winner is 22-month-old Rivka Devora Bushwick. Rivka Devora lives in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Her mother, Sara, reports: “Rivka Devora obviously likes peanut butter;) Rivka Devora loves babies and baby dolls. She diapers her dolls, rocks them, and puts them to sleep. She’s even tried to nurse them. Rivka Devora is very affectionate-our world is full of kisses and huggies. She even tries to run after birds and give them hugs. Rivka Devora is an only child, but will be becoming, G-d willing, a big sister any day now!”
A final note. Something that I thought was exceptionally nice was the diversity of our winners. Our 1st place winner, Yechiel, is the son of an Ampshinover Chassid. Our 2nd place winner is the daughter of the Executive Director of an art foundation in Greenwich Village. Our 3rd Place winner, Mordechai, is the son of a former Crown Heights resident. And our 4th place winner, Devora Rivka, is the daughter of a Yeshivas Ner Yisroel graduate.
This was a very wonderful confirmation for me of just how diverse the readership is…Thanks for your photos, and keep your eyes open for our upcoming International Motherprayer Day contest! Details to come over the next few weeks…
This kids are indeed very, very cute! (I personally voted for the 2nd place baby)
It’s nice that we can vote for other mothers’ kids, while at the same time knowing for sure that the real winner is… the one that each one of us gave birth to.
Thanks Jenny
they were all adorable and delicious! much nachat always.
CJ – where any of your kids in the contest?
no, I think my kids get so much exposure through my writing…I think also posting photos would be a bit too much. I thought about it though:)