Free Phone Inspiration for JewishMOMs
I just discovered a really fantastic resource for JewishMOMs. The Akeres Habayis Hotline is a free inspirational phone line with all sorts of inspirational lectures, interviews, as well as information on health, stress-management, easy recipes and a lot more. I’ve also really been enjoying the comedy section.
The Akeres Habayis Hotline phone numbers are 718-506-9057 or 845-678-8360.
Also, if you are having difficulty getting into the Shavuot spirit I highly recommend you call the amazing, free Chazak Hotline which posted a bunch of excellent classes to help us moms prepare for the holiday as we layer those lasagnas and bake those cheesecakes. Chag Sameach, Jewish moms!
Here’s the phone numbers to listen to the Chazak Hotline classes in your area:
Atlanta: 404-419-7163
Brooklyn: 718-258-2008
Denver: 720-496-4220
Detroit: 313-332-4444
Florida: 786-347-3555
Israel: 03-929-0707
Monsey: 845-356-6665
Passaic: 973-928-0950
Teaneck: 201-645-4650
Toronto: 416-800-0656
Chazak is a free service of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
Photo courtesy of user J. Nathan Matias