The New, Free JewishMOM Hotline

I just realized how much I want to find a way to start connecting with you JewishMOMs one on one, so I’ve decided to set up a free hotline for you JewishMOMs to call me to get advice, encouragement, chizuk, etc.

These are the Hotline hours:

Thursdays: 9:30 PM-11 PM (Jerusalem Time)
(that’s 2:30 PM- 4 PM East Coast US Time)

Fridays: 10 AM- 12 PM (Jerusalem Time)

Or, if these times don’t work for you, please contact me to set up an alternative time to talk.

My phone number is 9722-6222034 (Outside of Israel)
02-6222034 (in Israel)


  1. Rabbi's wife

    What a nice idea!

  2. Is the hotline you??

  3. Nice idea. 🙂

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