Needy Bride in Desperate Need of Assistance
My friend, a Nachlaot mother of 10 children bli ayin hara, will be marrying off her daughter this August, IY”H and she is desperately in need of financial assistance.
Despite chronic pain resulting from ongoing health issues, this mother works in a nursery school to support her family since her husband lost his job editing sifre kodesh. This is the fifth child they are marrying off, and they do not have money to pay for the wedding.
My friend has tremendous emuna (she is a relative of Dutsi Gutshtein from the post “It if Wasn’t for Emuna, I would be in a Mental Hospital”) , but I can see that the financial stress surrounding this wedding is taking a real toll on her and her family.
I personally am going to be reaching a bit further into my pocket than usual to help this struggling family. I hope that you also will be able to contribute to this important mitzvah of helping a needy bride.
She might be able to sign up for Wish Upon A Hero where she could get some help in paying for the wedding. Best wishes and Mazel Tov.