Vote for the Funniest Home Video!

Vote for the Funniest Home Video!

Thanks to all you JewishMOMs who sent in such adorable home videos for the first ever Funniest Home Video Contest. Please watch these 6 semifinalist videos and vote below for your favorite. The winners will receive:
1st Place Winner: $100 Gift Certificate for’s totally gorgeous Rosh Hashana Cards

2nd Place Winner: The newly-released must-read book for every JewishMOM: Let’s Stay Safe on teaching personal safety to children by Bracha Goetz (Artscroll).
For most of us JewishMOMs, summer vacation was loooong! May these videos reinspire us to remember how cute and smile-worthy our own beautiful JewishKIDs really are…

1. Who knew Uncle Moishy Videos were THIS FUNNY?

2. Tinko-Tinko Litto Star

3. Kids wash the floors, Israeli style!

4. Wrestling match in the living room

5. Happy Birthday, Zaidy!

6. Baby attempts to eat spaghetti

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Photo courtesy of user Rob

One comment

  1. Is it too late for more submissions?

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