The Widow’s Dream by Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi

The Widow’s Dream by Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi

From this week’s class of Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi:

This is the time of year to remember the Maccabees of our generation, except that they weren’t Makabim (Maccabees), they were Mechabeem (fire fighters).

I am talking about the Karmel fire victims, who went up in flames last Chanukah like 44 candles.

I met 36 of their widows. Beautiful, young, and amazing. And all of them, each one of them, reported that she had dreamed exactly the same dream. The frum widow, the secular widow, the Druze widow, each one told what she had dreamed and all the widows responded, “Really? Me too…”

And what did they all dream? They all dreamt that he opens the door and enters the house. That one dreamed him with a tallis and that one dreamed him burnt and that one dreamed him in the clothes of a prison guard.

“All that I want is for him to open the door and enter our home one more time. Just one more time, and that’s all, I won’t ask for anything more…” each one of them said.

To open the door—do you know what that is?

You come home and open the door, the house is filthy and your kids are dancing on the sofa in their pajamas—do you know what that is?

You knock on the door and your mother opens the door, just one more time—do you know what that is?

Don’t take anything for granted. Every day understand that your family is a miracle, your husband is a miracle, your children are a miracle.

Just dance and say, “Hashem, thank you! Hashem, thank you!”

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Image courtesy of user Matthew Venn


  1. thank you! much needed 🙂

  2. Caroline Bass

    This made me cry. I read it to my mother and sister and we cried and hugged each other and then broke out into a spontaneous hora dance in the living room and all the kids joined in. That’s what life is all about! Hold onto your dear ones and love them every moment. May Hashem comfort the widows and all their families and bring them peace in their hearts, Amen.

  3. This made me cry, too. How often I have stood there amidst the “arsenic hour” chaos, gnashing my teeth, snarling and growling, and then feel SO ashamed and think to myself how lucky I am that I even HAVE a family, that they are all healthy, funny, creative, active ……. on and on. Unfortunately, sometimes that spark only lasts a minute and I might even continue my self-righteous rant and rave.

    Now, when all is quiet, I will now try to think about all those women who want, just one more time, for that door to open ….

  4. Thanks for including this!

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