The Top 10 Posts of All Time!

The Top 10 Posts of All Time!

Exactly a year ago this week I launched the new…

And what an exciting year of dramatic growth it’s been for the site…

Monthly visits to the site have DOUBLED since a year ago, to over 50,000 monthly views…

The weekly newsletter mailing list has also DOUBLED to almost 2000 JewishMOM recipients…

100 JewishMOMs now receive daily updates about new posts through feedburner (sign up box to the upper right)…

And this past week, the lively new JewishMOMs Facebook Fanpage passed 1000 likes! For those of you who aren’t yet following on facebook, you might want to start, and I’m going to tell you why. Every week, I post quite a bit of exclusive inspirational content ONLY on the FB fanpage, and the page has become quite a fun place for JewishMOMs to hang out. Lots of interesting comments and discussions, etc. Check it out here

Anyway, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you JewishMOMs for making my dream come true…

In honor of this auspicious occasion, I thought it would be fun to pull out the 10 most popular posts of all time! Here they are, JewishMOMs…

1. What Rabbi Lau Told Itamar Orphan Ro’ee Fogel

2. The Wedding Night Nightmare by Anonymous

3. An Interview with 12-Year-Old Tamar Fogel

4. Ayala Nivin’s FULL House: Reflections on Mothering a Large Family

5. 11-Step Program to Prepare for Motherhood–very funny

6. Hating the Mikvah: An Infertile Mother’s Spiritual Journey by Chana bat Leah

7. Mazal Tov to Terror Attack Widow Puah Palmer

8. Oprah Discusses Love and Intimacy with Chassidic Women (6 short videos)

9. 3 Surefire Ways to Get Babies and Toddlers to Sleep

10. Send Condolences to Mrs. Kletzky


  1. Mazal Tov!!!!! What an inspiration. A real achievment.

    FIrstly I want to say that it’s incredible that you have retained your dedication despite the growing needs of your growing family. Thanks for not giving up on yourself, or us.

    I noticed that all the top tens are posts from the last year: probably all-timers because your readership is at an all time high (!).

    I would love to see a 10-year Retrospective Series ….. like your first ever post for example, or your first ever pep-talk…. maybe spread out over 10 weeks…..?

  2. Mazel tov! That is very exciting news. I hope you continue to grow and grow!

  3. thank you for your website!
    Congratulations on your success!!
    Anna Reyes
    Riverside, Ca

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