Hagit bat Leah’s 1st Yahrzeit: The Lost Footage

Hagit bat Leah’s 1st Yahrzeit: The Lost Footage

I cannot believe it’s been a year since the passing of my dear friend Hagit bat Leah Luzon on the 4th of Adar….We miss you so much Hagit. Such a great light has been extinguished from our neighborhood and the world.

You can get a taste of the light that’s been lost in this recently discovered lost footage of Hagit from a sheva brachot about 8 years ago. That’s Hagit, and her husband Eitan (he’s in the video still image below), and her sons Yiftach and Yehoshua when they were so small. Click here to donate to the Hagit bat Leah z”l Orphans Fund. This struggling family desperately needs financial assistance in order to cover their basic needs…Please donate generously.


One comment

  1. Caroline Bass

    I think about your friend and this family often. My heart was broken when she passed, I think because it was such a tragic event and as a mother I felt the pain of her children and husband. May Hashem bless this family that they should know no more sadness and pain and only have good things to come.

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