Soldier Assists his Birthing Wife via Skype (2-Minute Beautiful Video)

Soldier Assists his Birthing Wife via Skype (2-Minute Beautiful Video)

This is an incredible video about the home/water birth of a woman whose husband is a US soldier in Afghanistan. I found it really moving to hear how the husband encourages his wife via Skype. I also loved how this video makes birth look so peaceful and untraumatic…(though I personally couldn’t imagine feeling so comfortable birthing with that many people in the room…)Thanks so much to Seattle’s Sara Gallor for sending this my way!


Image courtesy of user Andrew Dawes


  1. I too thought her “pushing stage” looked wonderful. My goal is to have one just like that!

  2. Beautiful!

  3. I dunno, I a little bit dont believe it. What about the after birth? and wasnt she wearing a bathing bottom, I thot I saw strings. And she didnt get to nurse right away. It really did look effortless. No screaming??????? I know women who have done only home births but never a water birth. Well maybe in my “gilgul” – I’m now a bubby of 3 girls B”H. Shabbat Shalom

    • I gave birth at a midwife’s birth cabin–once in a tub and once on the bed–and never felt a need to scream. 🙂 If you look up “Hypnobirthing” or “Hypnobabies” on YouTube you can find other birth videos of women birthing very calmly.

      I don’t ascribe particular value to “quiet birth”; I think every woman should give birth in the way she is most comfortable and connected to herself. But some women are naturally quiet (like me), and giving birth at home or in an otherwise home-like and safe environment often allows a women to feel comfortable and secure enough that it reduces the pain of labor significantly. (It also helps to birth in the water and/or in an upright position.)

    • I had a very lovely home waterbirth! I didn’t scream – I never scream during birthing. My husband and kids were in the next room, and my husband says he heard one grunt 🙂

      You don’t need Hypnobirthing, I never did it. You need to be a certain personality, and to have a lot of different comfort measures! I have a list of 45 or so “tricks” to help deal with labor (not that I ever use more than 3 or 4).

      Water is SUCH a wonderful pain reliever. I think it took away half of the pain when I got into the tub.

  4. I actually did not think this felt real at all. It was very professionally (actually beautifully) filmed and edited, and the “birthing” mother seemed posed, made up, and even pouting!! (I must remember to use some of those sultry looks when I’m next in labour)….. And as for all those well timed, perfectly filmed, wisely-nodding heads, intense gestures and silent poseurs milling around ….. I was waiting for the SKYPE or Telephone company slogan at the end, to be honest.

    Other than that, nothing against NATURAL home water-births!!! Even without a stylish bikini …. 🙂

  5. I think this was taken by a professional video-grapher. That’s why it all looks so perfect. It’s real, but she edited it to be beautiful. So she took out all the cursing, crying etc… but it’s still real. My first 2 births were screamy, but my third birth was a bit better. I’m getting there….

  6. This was a beautiful birth – I was hired to film it by the mother for her husband who was not able to come home from war to see his son born. It was in every way real and amazing. She is an incredibly strong woman and so lucky to have had the support of her and her husband’s families in the room with her for the birth of their son. Remember this is an edited 2 minutes of a normal water-birth. It was an honor to make this film for this family and I hope to have the opportunity to film a birth again someday.

  7. Maura, you did a great job. The point here wasn’t to teach expectant women what labor and birth are really like, but to record the event, the baby’s first moments in this world, for the dad, right? Of course this is not what birth is like.

    I cannot get over the sheer numbers of people in that room…doesn’t seem conducive to,k as Daniella (above) described it, staying comfortable and connected with yourself. But to each her own. Maybe to this mom those crowds of people were just what she needed, especially since she was facing the extra stress of having her husband so far away.

    • Thank you Rishe – you are exactly right. This film was to record the event for the dad and so the mother and father could experience the birth of this baby together in some way. Every birth is different and there were moments in her labor that the viewer does not see, and other moments that are in the longer version of the film.

      Agreed that I too wouldn’t be comfortable with the crowd, but every person needs different things and this is what worked for her. I do love that it is being discussed and shared here! Thank you.

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