An Incredibly Easy Way to Test for Food Allergies

I did something really wild this week at the Binyan Shalem conference.
A woman specializing in Kinesiology (also known as “One Brain”) tested me for food allergies. I wasn’t so clear on what she was doing, but if I understood correctly she was lightly push down on one of my arms while brushing about 200 test tubes filled with different kinds of food by my other arm, one by one.
I wasn’t watching what was going on and which test tubes she was brushing by, but at the end of this process (which took about fifteen minutes), she knew exactly what foods I have allergies to. Without me telling her anything, she had figured out all of the foods that give me indigestion (cow’s milk and cheese) and the alternatives that don’t (goat’s milk and yogurt) and had also told me about a few allergies that I hadn’t been aware of (yellow food coloring and MSG).
These final new allergies were most interesting for me, because after I eat chicken soup with soup nuts on Friday night I feel all panicky鈥nd I had no idea why! And now I know, it’s that yellow food coloring in the soup nuts and the MSG in the soup mix.
I highly recommend trying this out completely painless approach for you or your kids if you’re displaying signs of allergies… My 5-year-old Yoel has a runny nose for most of the year, and a trip last year to an pediatric allergist that included a really uncomfortable scratch test didn’t turn up anything conclusive. So I’m looking forward to taking him to a One Brain/Kinesiologist to see what s/he has to say.
It is true that this way works – and is especially helpful in pinpointing the allergies of babies and children who can’t verbalize how they feel.
But it’s still helpful to cultivate an awareness of one’s own reactions to different foods and things in the environment, because our allergies tend to change with time, and we can’t go back to the kinesiologist once a month – it gets tiresome, and expensive.
When I was in my 20s (I’m 53 now) I read “The Allergy Self-Help Book” by Sharon Faelten and it changed my life – it simply helped me pinpoint my food allergies. Though I have used kinesiology, as you write, Chana Jenny, and it did work as dramatically and correctly as you describe – still, there is value in being able to pinpoint on my own what I am allergic to now.
And thanks for pointing out that those yellow-painted croutons and most of the soup mixes are … forgive me, but… they’re garbage.
In defense of croutons, the Osem brand croutons DO NOT contain yellow food coloring – they use turmeric. They may be garbage, but it’s because of the refined flour and unhealthy fat.
As far as the allergies, yes – I know of a woman who was told by an allergist that her son was not allergic to peanuts anymore. She gave him some peanut butter to celebrate, and in minutes he was in full anaphylactic shock. Muscle testing (as your kinesiologist did) is much safer and more reliable.
yes, when my brother was little a Dr. told my parents that he had fixed his allergy to fish. After touching a finger to a miniscule piece of fish and then putting the finger on my brother’s tongue, my brother immediately threw up all over him 馃槈
and yes! kinesiology is quite accurate, I grew up with it as my father had to learn it to deal with the health issues in my family.
Doctors are taught the Latin phrase “premum non nocere”
First, do no harm.
But then…
that doctor had too much faith in his tests and not enough common sense
would you mind posting who it was? i would love to have someone to go to that has a referral.
I would also like to know if anyone knows someone to go to in the NY/NJ area??
also wish to contribute to this discussion to say that my whole family (my husband and I and our 2-year-old daughter) visit a kinesiologist in Prague and have a very good experience with her help – not only with food alergies.
Besides food alergies, kinesiologists can also tell you if your problems are rooted in stress, exhaustion, anxiety, lack of rest etc. using the same method that Chana described. In addition, I have 3 close female friends to whom this doctor (she is also an M.D.) helped to concieve after diagnosing their hormonal disorders through the methods of kinesiology. I highly recommend this method especially if it is performed by a qualified doctor.
Dr. Tzvi Harvey Lang does the muscle-testing in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn. When I used him many years ago, he was correct in the allergies he pinpointed – but he was over-priced.
I have not used him in many years so I do not know if this is still true.
His number is 718-773-1121.
Chana Jenny, a constant runny nose is a sign of wheat intolerance, my son has the same thing. Another tell-tale sign is dark circles under the eyes. Sometimes even bedwetting.
Spelt is also a form of wheat, but sometimes wheat-intolerant people show less symptoms with spelt, and it is a perfect replacement in baking etc.
I want to point out that food allergies cause negative changes in temperament, so often one of the nice benefits from changing a diet, is seeing an improvement in behaviour!!!
hmmm, very interesting, thanks yehudit!
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Hi Chana Jenny, Can you email me this kinesiologist’s name and phone number? thanks.
I don’t know the name of the person I saw, but I heard good things about Michal Sharvit from Kiryat Arba, has an office in katamon. I assume you can find her through 144