Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi’s Amazing Birth Story

Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi’s Amazing Birth Story

Before my teacher, Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi, gave birth this past July, I was as excited and hungry for the good news as if I was about to give birth myself… And I was far from alone. Rabbanit Yemima is probably Israel’s most popular female teacher, with tens of thousands of students. And I’m sure all of us were sending our beloved and revered Rabbanit good vibes and prayers for a safe delivery, especially since this pregnancy was considered high risk due to Rabbanit Yemima’s age.

So it meant so much to me to read in her class this week that Rabbanit Yemima could feel all of those good vibes we students were sending her way, and, it turned out, she even named her baby after them….

Here is the moving opening of this week’s class from Rabbanit Yemima:

The Sefat Emet teaches that when a person feels that what happened to him was not in his own merit, and it wasn’t the result of his own efforts at all, then that’s a sign that he needs to go to those people in whose merit this miracle occurred and say, “Thank you. Thank you for requesting on my behalf. Thank you for praying for me.”

When you say “Thank You” to the people in whose merit you were saved, they are guaranteed a good year. Why? Because God says, “Even if, God forbid, they don’t deserve to be saved. Even if, God forbid, they don’t deserve a good year, she is a person who saves other people in this world. She helped another person this year, therefore she will have a good year.”

Therefore, I know that all of you are going to have a fantastic year! Because, truly, all of your prayers saved me.”

I didn’t have strength for this birth.

During my ninth month, the verse, “There is no strength for the birth” was running through my head all the time. How would I manage to get through it? How terrifying! And when they wheeled me into the operating room for my C-section, I cannot tell you what a dark terror fell upon me.

And out of nowhere, I suddenly truly felt, without making anything up, the letters of prayer surrounding me.

The prayer of that woman and that woman and that woman. Those letters saved me.

Because of those letters I saw, we named our baby “Moshe.”

Moshe Rabenu was a person who belonged to the Jewish people.

“Eema, this is a public baby, he doesn’t just belong to our family. He belongs to all of the Jewish people,” my daughters say. And I know they are correct.

A huge Mazal Tov to Rabbanit Yemima and all of the Mizrachi family!!! Click here to sign up for Rabbanit Yemima’s free weekly English inspirational newsletter


  1. Dear Channah Jenny,

    I was reading a passage from Rabbi Dessler’s book Strive for Truth.
    I know how busy you are so I am not sending the whole quote, but the dear Rabbi states that Hashem gives humans imagination and the ability to engage in art, but a mother sees much deeper than an artist, beyond imagination. I assume she sees Reality. He writes that as some point, the mother (we) do not need art.

    I find some of this puzzling. I am a mother and and an art writer by profession. If you have time, do you have any thoughts that could help me put this in the right perspective.

    I read your site 6 days a week and thrive from all your wonderful stories, interviews,and insights.

    Thank you very much,

    Chaya Rivka Carasso, aka Roberta

    • hi chaya rivka
      i was just browsing the blog and came across your comment. I don’t know that essay you quote but I also get so much out of Rav Desslers depth and simplicity.
      Just a thought: Hashem gave you your skills and talents to be something He wants you to be. As long as you connect to Hashem with whatever you are doing, no matter how , as long as we elevate our daily lives with simple kedusha, we are doing Hashem’s will.

      i wish you much success and joy…

    • This is very interesting. I have always been very creative, mostly with yarn, needlepoint, embroidery, knitting and lately crocheting. During the first years I was married I found that when I was expecting a baby this drive to make things was much less intense – my body was busy doing the most creative thing possible so the other stuff paled in comparison.
      When my kids were little – ages 2, 1, and newborn, I was really intent on doing something – even for a half hour a day that would not need to be redone the next day! My needlework served this purpose, since I was a SAHM and very busy with laundry, cooking, cleaning, dishes, etc. I loved being with my kids but got great satisfaction as I slowly completed various projects.
      hope this is helpful.

  2. wow. chills. powerful. I believe it.

  3. Hi Chana Jenny. Thank you for your inspirational words. Do you know if Rebbetzin Yemimah has calling hours? Do you have her contact information? if you do and don’t feel comfortable posting it, can you email it to me? thank you!!

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