5-Minute Yeast-Free Sufganiot by Adi Bitter

Our 5th Semifinalist for the Chanukah Recipe Contest is Jerusalem JewishMOM Adi Bitter. In addition to raising her 4 children, Adi is an educator and Yoetzet Halacha.
5-Minute Yeast-Free Sufganiot
This is a simplified version of the popular Israeli “Sufganiyot Eshel,” which are made from a loose batter dropped into hot oil. The fact that the batter is loose means it makes non-uniform, fun-shaped doughnuts that are reminiscent in taste and consistency to Donut Holes, and take only a few minutes to make. This is a halved recipe.
1 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 container (200 ml) leben/eshel or 6 3/4 oz buttermilk
3 tbsp sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 egg
oil for frying
confectioner sugar for dusting
Mix ingredients together.
Plunk by large spoonful into the pot of heated oil.
Fry until golden on all sides, about 4 minutes (this may involve flipping the bouyant shape around a few times).
Remove to a plate covered with paper towel to absorb excess oil. Dust with confectioner’s sugar.
This year, I also slid a chocolate coin into the spoonful of raw batter and buried it before plunking it into the oil – the kids enjoyed the chocolatey treat!