JewishMOM for Prime Minister

JewishMOM for Prime Minister

This morning I came downstairs, and in a sleep-deprived daze my eyes landed on this Bayit Hayehudi sticker on my fridge. And as tends to happen when I am awake but should really be sleeping, I had a very silly idea which I thought was absolutely brilliant…

Translation: I'm also the Jewish home, under the leadership of Naftali Bennett

See, the sticker says “I’m also for the Jewish home, under the leadership of Naftali Bennett.” And I realized that Naftali Bennett is the leader of the Jewish Home party, with thousands of members. But, hey, I am also a leader of THIS Jewish home, with 9 members.

And yanno what, I want a sticker too to put on my fridge! So that’s what I did…

Translation: I'm also for the Jewish Home, under the leadership of Chana Jenny Weisberg

Like Bibi Netanyahu, my co-leader of this Jewish home and I are still in negotiations regarding the specific make-up our Weisberg government: is he the prime minister and I’m the president, or visa versa? One thing’s for sure, though. If one of us is the prime minister, the other one definitely doesn’t want to be appointed the Shelly Yachimovitch of this home: the leader of the opposition;)

If any of you JewishMOMs also want to make a sticker just like this one for your home, this is what you need to do. (If any of you actually do this, please email the finished stickers to I would love to post them.)

1. Right click my sticker and save it to your computer.
2. Open, a free photo editing site.
3. Click edit a photo, and choose a photo of yourself from your computer
4. Crop the photo (if necessary) and resize the photo to approximately 300 by 200, and save to your computer
5. Return to Picmonkey homepage and upload my sticker
6. Click the overlays tab on the far left (the heart, star, bubble) and click “your own” and upload your photo
7. The photo will appear very small. Drag it to where my face is, and pull the tabs so it completely covers my face
8. Click overlays tab again, and scroll down to labels. Choose a square, and move it over to your photo
9. Click overlays again, and scroll down to banners. Choose a banner and move it over my name.
10. Click the P tab on far left, click “add text’ and type “Eema.” Move that over to the box in your photo.
11. Click the P tab again, click “add text” and type your name. Move your name over my name.


  1. very cute!

  2. this is fun!!! 🙂

  3. Awesome!

  4. Jenny,this was a great idea! Trust all your brainstorming even when you are completely dazed! It truly made me laugh. Thanks

  5. May you rule undisputed with no opposition party!

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