Remembering Hagit bat Leah z”l: The 2nd Yahrzeit

Remembering Hagit bat Leah z”l: The 2nd Yahrzeit

Early yesterday evening, Moriah and I were walking her classmate and dear friend, Anava, home when out of nowhere we heard Purim music blasting.

We turned a corner and entered a sea of people participating in a Hachnasat Sefer Torah. And for a few minutes we watched the van with its flashing colorful lights and the men accompanying the new Torah scroll under a tallit. What could be funner that that? I even bought Anava and Moriah some cotton candy.

After we dropped Anava off at home, I leaned down close to 7-year-old Moriah and told her, “You see what Hashem did? You did a mitzvah by walking your friend home, and Hashem gave you a present from Heaven! You got to go to a hachnasat sefer Torah!”

Moriah smiled wide, and looking up at the sky with uplifted palms she called out, “Thank You Hashem! Hashem, what a Tsaddik You are!”

I looked at my daughter with eyebrows raised high. Since when did my blond haired, blue-eyed daughter start talking like a Moroccan Breslover?

“Where did you ever hear somebody say that?” I asked her.

“I don’t know…” she answered.

But then I understood. This was exactly how my dear friend, Hagit bat Leah z”l used to talk before she died of cancer two years ago tomorrow.

When Hagit’s only daughter was born after three boys, Hagit told me, “I feel like Hashem just gave me a kiss.”

And that little girl is Anava, such a beautiful, bright, G-d-centered, huge-hearted second-grader who is her mother’s daughter in every way. Unbelievable. The great light that was Hagit bat Leah is continuing to shine out to the world through her 5 children.

Hagit, I can’t believe it’s been two years already. I love you and miss you so much.

JewishMOMs, Hagit’s family struggles to cover their basic daily needs. In honor of her holy memory, please donate generously to help brighten up Purim for Hagit’s 5 orphans (all under the age of 13).


  1. EC Brummel - Bklyn, NY

    about Hagit, was beautiful. Which reminded me of another of our nashim tzidkanios, same yartzeit, but 21 yrs ago. A wonderful baalas teshuva from Crown Heights:

  2. Dila Hogland

    What an experience! The learning, sharing, eating and more eating! You r a beautiful lady’

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