Should we Recite Hallel on Israeli Independence Day?

There’s a lot of debate about whether we should recite the Hallel prayer today, on Israeli Independence Day.
My opinion?
If you want to hear Hallel today, all you need to do is go outside. And you will hear that the entire Land of Israel is singing Hallel : every flower and every blade of grass and every tree.
The Land is singing “God has saved us from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling. I will walk before God in the Land of the Living.”
Happy 65th birthday, Israel! I love you!
(My husband took this photo this morning.)

My husband took this photo this morning near Jerusalem.
This is the most beautiful time of year in Israel. Everywhere, flowers are blooming. The country side, as well as the city is full of color. We have such a short spring, and Yom Ha’atzmaut falls out at this precise time of year. Yes, the land itself is singing Hallel.