Don’t Miss this Opportunity to Live the Life of Your Dreams!

Why are so many women (including me) so incredibly enthusiastic about Rabbi Nivin’s Personal Development Chabura? Watch this video to hear 7 women (including me) talking about how the chabura has added transcendence, vitality, and powerful joy to our lives.
Next week, a new Personal Development Chabura will be starting up. And great news, JewishMOMs…the 1st three sessions are a no-commitment free trial! And on top of that, as a special offer for readers: all readers who participate in this free 3-week trial will automatically enter the raffle to win a free 12-week session (a prize worth $150. You can learn more about Rabbi Nivin and his Personal Development Program at his website
Ok, I took the plunge and registered! The sample audio’s sound terrific, but I think what sold me was the link to a larger group of women all learning at the same time. Finding the time to commit to a class can be a challenge (I am a mom of two special needs kiddos)! Very excited to get started! Thanks for the suggestion!