“Thank You, Rabbi Nivin, I’M A KALLAH!”

“Thank You, Rabbi Nivin, I’M A KALLAH!”

This week, my teacher, life coach Rabbi Aryeh Nivin will be starting a new Personal Development Chabura. I highly recommend this life-altering Chabura to every JewishMOM reading this. Just $1 for the entire Elul course. This means that you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by trying this out.

I cannot tell you how many Emails I’ve received over the years from JewishMOMs thanking me for telling them about this phenomenal course. Who knows, maybe in a few months you’ll be sending me an Email like that too;)

Read one woman’s story about how Rabbi Nivin’s Chabura enabled her to quickly find her husband-to-be…

Dear Rabbi Nivin,

I take a moment from the amazing frenzy of preparing for my wedding to share this story of how Hashem found me my chosson. And also to express tremendous gratitude since you were a shaliach for this incredible miracle.

Where to start?

First of all, I was only in the chabura for a few months, because I got engaged, and plan to re-join sometime in the future. But my sister (a long-time chabura participant) is the one who brought me into the incredible world of “Rabbi Nivin Torah” which truly speaks straight to my heart. So I was familiar with some of the concepts on a basic level, but being part of the Chabura this past spring made it so real. You showed me the incredible power of ratzon/will, and how when I want something in my life, I need to work on my ratzon and trust in Hashem that it will happen. But being part of the Chabura brought this concept alive for me.

I only started being in the world of “shidduchim” last year, but in truth, I can’t say I really wanted to get married.

I was enjoying my life and independence and feeling fulfilled with teaching and other endeavors. I wasn’t totally ready inside to give any of that away.

But over the course of the past year, my will to get married was increasing. Then around Pesach time, my best friend, whom I would call almost my “soul-mate,” got married. I felt deep, incredible joy, and at the same time I felt like I was losing a limb. It felt like I was marrying off a child – intense simcha, and deep pain at knowing that this would alter our relationship for even. I was letting go. I had davened so hard and even asked for her to get married before me, to know she was taken care of. And Hashem answered me! That was when my own will to get married deepened a thousand-fold. It needed to happen soon. Over Pesach, I really got serious about getting married. That was it. It had to happen.

I forged ahead on a journey that has come to an end, only to open the next door to the next stage of my life’s journey… I created a Shavuos goal for myself: To be filled with an all-consuming, burning will and yearning to get married by the end of this year, and to go to Israel by the beginning of the coming year. And to be filled with a strong, deep, awareness and bitachon that Hashem loves me so deeply, and is unlimited and will make this happen. I wanted to be dating my husband/ know who he is by Shavuos.

I said this goal to myself almost every day. I decided that to make it practical, I would say Shir HaShirim for 40 days. I made a chart on my wall, and I checked off each day as I counted the Omer, and said Shir HaShirim. I put a picture of a friend at her wedding at the end of the chart. I had a vision of where I was going. I also started being more conscious about my health, to feel good for my wedding. Also, I created a binder with a lot of different sources on ratzon that I read through and they fired me up with a passion for my goal… I yearned intensely for the outcome. It wasn’t a feeling of, “Oh, it would be nice if this happened.” It was a feeling of “This has to happen. I need to be a wife and mother already. There’s no other way.” I kept envisioning myself cooking in my kitchen in Israel…

As I write this “story” I am filled with incredible emotion as I think back to how it was not so long ago, and now my life has changed forever…

Before Shavuos, I also bought something I would need for my house as a symbol of emunah that I really believed I would get married. Before I went to bed, I journaled every night on my status of bitachon. I reminded myself that the more I leave the logical realm, the more I enter His reality- which is literally unlimited, and He can do a miracle – so that it would actually happen. My day was centered around the time when I would daven. I would daven on the porch, and tap into the power of the Sefira. I would cry and cry, say Shir HaShirim, and talk to Hashem about how I know this is totally possible because he is All-powerful and can do whatever he wants.

The days were coming and going. Shavuos was getting closer, but I kept telling myself that it’s still possible.

Then something came up. I dated a guy and it didn’t work out. And then something came up a few days later… which didn’t work out either… A few days before Shavuos I finished Shir HaShirim. I was driving home for Shavuos from my job in another city where I taught high-school girls this past year.

I felt a culmination of all the days of beseeching, all the days of strengthening my will and reminding myself of all the past times I worked on will and bitachon and Hashem has done miracles…. Yet I also felt almost a sense of lost hope. Shavuos was in just a few days…

The morning of Erev Shavuos I was on my back porch; I davened and felt this saddened, almost-disheartened feeling.

But I was going to hold on by the last thread. Before I walked into my house, I said “Hashem – You can do anything! You know exactly who my husband is. Please. Please. Make it happen.” I walked into the house, and my mother turned to me and said “We just got a yes for the shidduch with so-and-so…” and that is the person I will be marrying in less than four weeks… and we’re going to Israel a week after sheva brachos…

I cannot possibly put into words the depth of this “story” which is more than a story; it’s a real, breathing reality. I can’t even describe how many more “coincidences” there were on my chosson’s side to make this shidduch come through Erev Shavuos. This shidduch was orchestrated personally by Hashem’s Divine loving hand.

And I want to express my inexpressible gratitude to you, Rabbi Nivin, for teaching people about the power of will, which is truly the pulse of the soul, the life-force behind our lives… And for showing us how Hashem can do miracles when we tap into the power of ratson.

Thank you for being a shaliach in my life. I will never forget what joining the Chabura has done for me.

Hope to rejoin the Chabura soon as a married woman!

Sincerely, The Thankful Kallah


  1. i am the thankful olah hadachah!!!
    i also followed the spring chabura thanks to you chana jenny, (and by the way i won the jewishmom raffle:) !!) my issue was alya, for years i had been yearning for it but my husband and i couldn’t do it financially and emotionally
    i decided to say Perek Shira for 40 days to make alya with my family after i read on “breslev israel” an article about the power of it;
    after a huge hishtadlout and a even huger hashgaha pratit, on the 40th day we signed for a house to rent in eretz israel and BH we are about to arrive next week for our alyah with our 5 children, the youngest is 2 WEEKSold and of course we called her Shira!
    thank you rabbi nivin and thank you chana jenny, the queen of jewish moms!!!

  2. Wow! I also took Rabbi Nivin’s class. It was the best thing I ever did!

  3. Aileen Becker

    I am in Rabbi Nivin’s chaburah now for a year. I highly recommend it!

  4. where is the class?, how much $ and when is it, days, evenings and how long is each class? and how many weeks does it go for?…thanks

  5. I would love to see some of her sources on ratzon. Would that be possible? Thanks!

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