Write 6 Words, and Win $100!

Write 6 Words, and Win $100!

It’s been way too long since we’ve had a JewishMOM.com contest…And this week I was reading through Family First and like a bolt of lightning I got a cool idea for our next JewishMOM contest!

In this week’s cover story, Family First writers describe their summers–in exactly six words.

My 15-year-old Hadas and I read through these 6-word-summers together on the bus to the zoo– and these were some of our favorites:

No school! Yay! Uh, what now? –Riva Pomerantz
Leisurely mornings; camp’s not ’til nine.–Gila Arnold
“Can’t be bedtime–it’s not dark.”–Shira Isenberg
“Come September, mothers need some summer.”–Shoshana Friedman

OK, now it’s your turn, JewishMOM. This is the contest:

Describe life as a JewishMOM–in exactly 6 words.

Click here to send me your submission/s (as many as you’d like to send) until Shabbat. A hint: the submissions I choose as semifinalists will most likely be funny or poignant or inspirational. Then next week all of you JewishMOMs will have a chance to vote for your favorite semifinalist– and the winner you choose will receive $100!

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