And the Winner Is…

And the Winner Is…

In the end, over 800 JewishMOMs voted for their favorite 6-words describing life as a JewishMOM. And here are the top five winners…

Fifth Place: “Making meals, messes, mistakes, memories, mensches” submitted by Naomi E. of Neve Yaakov, Jerusalem.

Fourth Place: “Silly mommy, meltdowns are for kids!” submitted by Yehudis Pollack

Third Place:”Daughter’s first sentence was ‘More Kugel'” submitted by Emuna Diamond of Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem

Second Place: “Nonstop working on your own middos” submitted by Caryn Ashapa of Atlanta, Georgia

And, drumroll please…our 1st Place grand prize $100 winner is:

“You have grown; I have grown” submitted by Devorah Druxman of Far Rockaway, New York, which received a whopping 269 votes!

At this juncture I would also like to give honorary mention to Rena Lewis of Ramot, Jerusalem who submitted “Hashem should bless this holy mess.” This slogan came in 6th place, but was a unanimous 1st place winner among Weisberg children:) Rena was also the JewishMOM who came up with’s slogan that you can see above: “Inspiration from One Jewish Mother to Another” when we had a contest about that a few years ago. Thanks again Rena!

Again, thank you so much to all of you JewishMOMs who submitted your 6-words, and thanks to all of you who voted…And congratulations to our winners!

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