What Your Child Sees When He Sees Mom (3-Minute AWESOME Video)

What Your Child Sees When He Sees Mom (3-Minute AWESOME Video)

A video crew interviewed moms about how they describe themselves. Then they interviewed their children. IMHO this is one of the best videos about motherhood ever made. After you watch it, make sure to vote in our JewishMOM.com Kleenex-alert poll…
[polldaddy poll=7512930]


  1. nice, Chana Jenny, thank you

  2. That was great! Thanx

  3. ya killin’ me
    can’t stop the tears

  4. really sweet. its all in the background music 🙂

  5. I cried.

    I don’t remember ever feeling that way about my mom. Sadly.

  6. Rachel Aviner

    The line ‘ my mommy is going to love me forver’ got me!

  7. I would love to see a JewishMOM version of this video. Just an idea :).

  8. I never used to cry over things, but since becoming a mom – all I do is cry over anything I watch! I read to my kids and stumble over all the emotional parts – what the heck happened to me?!

  9. Didn’t make me cry. It was sweet. Nothing special. You’re gonna have to do more than that to get a tear out of me.

  10. My youngest is 12. When he wants to know when I’ll be home from work, or wants to hold my hand when he goes to sleep, I think – when will this kid grow up? But then I tell myself – this shows how much I mean to him. It really is awesome.

  11. cant seem to open the link, any ideas to help me out?

  12. Can’t open link

  13. I clicked on “cried buckets”, even though I didn’t, because “cried a little” wasn’t enough. I think I was crying buckets inside, but didn’t want to let it out!

    I am all those mothers rolled in one, probably because I have enough temper and less patience than all of them put together….


  14. gittl nadel-alpert

    just wonderous; especially sad that we under estimate ourselves. gittl

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