Avivit Se’ar who Lost Husband and 5 Children in Fire, b”H Remarries!

Avivit Se’ar who Lost Husband and 5 Children in Fire, b”H Remarries!

Less than two years ago in March 2012 I shared the tragic story of Avivit Se’ar, whose husband and 5 young children were killed in a freak house fire. B”H, this past Sunday Avivit, a teacher at Ulpanat Tzvia of Rechovot, remarried.

Avivit Se'ar at the funeral for her deceased husband and 5 children

Avivit Se’ar at the funeral for her deceased husband and 5 children

Elimelech Machrabi, a 45-year-old bachelor, was among those who came to comfort Avivit following her family’s tragedy. Machrabi grew up in a family with 15 brothers and sisters, and as the months passed Machrabi kept in touch with Avivit and they become close friends. This past Friday Avivit and Machrabi surprised their family and friends with the announcement that they would be getting married that Sunday. The couple kept their plans secret and only invited guests by telephone the morning of the wedding because, a close family friend explained, “Avivit apologized to her invited guests that she was calling them by phone rather than mailing out an official invitation, but she explained that she wanted to keep things secret in light of the great interest that this wedding was expected to attract.”

In the end, dozens of guests came on Sunday to the “Vitrage” hall in Nes Tsiona where the couple married. As she prayed in her bride’s chair, Avivit was surrounded by her students from the Ulpana, one of whom remarked, “She looks glowing and overjoyed.”

Avivit and her new husband under the chuppah this past Sunday, B"H!!!

Avivit and her new husband under the chuppah this past Sunday, B”H!!!

A neighbor who attended the wedding explained, “the tragedy shook up our entire neighborhood…We are so very happy for Avivit’s celebration today. She is a young woman whose entire future is ahead of her, and we wish her all the best!”

Amen! What a joyous event for the entire Jewish people! And how perfectly fitting that they married on Chanukah– a couple that is a living Menorah, lighting up the entire world with their determination to not succumb to darkness and despair. May Avivit and her husband be blessed from now on with only happy occasions. I’m looking forward to sharing more and more good news from Avivit and her new husband over the years to come, IY”H:)

This post is based on the article by Etty Abramov that appeared in today’s issue of Yediot Achronot.


  1. So glad to hear! Mazel Tov!
    Chanukah sameach too!

  2. Wow, what a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing!

  3. rachel fish

    WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAZAL TOV!!!!! That is such amazing news. IYH they should be zoche to build a true bayis neeman b’yisrael,and only be truly happy!

  4. this is truly an example of the Phoenix (bird) arising from the ashes: a yerida for the sake of an aliyah. What a tragedy and now what a simcha; I have chills reading and seeing the video. HaShem takes and HaShem gives. May Avivit and her new husband have much revealed blessings for a long shared life for many years to come…this news just made my day. BTW,I love her wedding dress and headpiece she looks so regal!

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