The Coolest Invitation I EVER Saw

The Coolest Invitation I EVER Saw

A huge mazal tov to Rafi Swidler on his bar mitzvah which will take place the Shabbat before Purim. And here’s the awesome Nahafoch-hu invitation proud parents, Naomi and David Swidler, made in honor of the big event…

The invitation's cover, with a photo and quotation from Megilat Esther.

The invitation’s cover, with a photo and quotation from Megilat Esther.

When you open up the invitation you see that one side of the invitation is written backwards, and on the other side there is a mirror.

When you open up the invitation you see that one side the invitation is written backwards, and on the other side there is a mirror.

Here's the mirror opposite the invitation written backwards.

Here’s a clearer photo of the mirror (kindly ignore the random stuff in the reflection).

And when you look at them together, this is what you see...Isn't this the coolest invitation you ever saw?!

And when you look at them together, this is what you see…Isn’t this the coolest invitation you ever saw?!


  1. Chaya Rivka Carasso

    Chana Jenny,

    Yes, this is a wonderful invitation because it says: backwards, forwards, or in any direction Hashem gives us so much that we cannot limit our vision; but must enlarge our vision to see His presence everywhere.

    May Hashem Bless the Bar Mitzvah boy, family, and friends, and all those who look in the mirror and see far more than words of an invitation.

    Mazel Tov,
    Chaya Rivka

  2. yes, very cool!

  3. Yes! So original!!! Not meaning to be a “party pooper,” though, but please keep in mind this looks like it is a case of: do not dispose of this invitation because it has Shaimos: Full Pesukim form the tanach! Please be mezake your friends and let them know.
    And mazal tov! May we have only smachot in good health in klal Yisrael!

  4. I like how his name appears in the letters of the pesukim. You should give credit to the artist/designer.

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