Announcing our $100 “My Personal Exodus from Egypt” Pesach Contest!
I so love these contests, so I just couldn’t wait to do another one…
Have you ever overcome an addiction or a behavior that was destructive to you or others? Please share the story of your own personal exodus from Egypt. I will be posting the semifinalists over the week of Passover and, if chosen, you could win $100! (UPON REQUEST, I WOULD BE HAPPY TO POST YOUR STORY ANONYMOUSLY).
A few ideas for topics:
Have you overcome an eating disorder such as anorexia/bulimia/overeating?
Have you overcome an addiction to the internet/facebook/email/your cellphone?
Have you stopped yelling at your kids?
Have you stopped speaking lashon hara?
Have you overcome serious marriage difficulties? Left an abusive marriage?
Have you overcome depression/anxiety/OCD or other serious mental challenges?
Have you pulled yourself out of serious debt?
Have you ever overcome a trauma or phobia?
Click here to submit your story…
Two questions/comments:
1. Where do you keep getting the $100 to give the winners??
2. All these addictions sound somewhat familiar, but I’m curious to hear about people that overcame them. I’m still suffering through half of them!
the source of the $100s will remain my little secret:) And I also felt like I could write a whole slew of articles about my own personal yetsiat mitsrayims…
BTW, are you not planning on posting the winner to the last contest?
I just changed the title of the contest post to announce the winner– the winner was “The Night Mikveh Changed my Life”