This Week’s Best Videos, Photos, and Links

This Week’s Best Videos, Photos, and Links

Love without Conditions: Grappling with the Death of my Husband by Batya Burd. I got so much chizuk from this article….Widow Batya Burd sounds like such an extraordinary human being

Passover Cleaning Romance: Such a sweet NY Times article about a couple brought together by Passover cleaning.

JewishMOM Debby Elnatan’s harness of hope enables her formerly wheelchair-bound son to walk for the first time. Now the harness she invented is being sold worldwide,

In “Shir Hamaalot” the Jewish people’s sudden return from exile is compared to “streams in the Negev desert.” So cool to see this video of a Negev stream flash-flooding back to life.

Is there Meaning in the Cleaning? A response by Rabbi Moss. Loved his wife’s spiritual lesson learning from Pesach cleaning.

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