JewishMOMs and Kids from Around the Globe say “Bring Back our Boys!” (34 Photos)

JewishMOMs and Kids from Around the Globe say “Bring Back our Boys!” (34 Photos)

Thanks so much to all you JewishMOMs who sent in photos from all over the world to show the boys’ families how much people across the world are thinking about them…I will be sending the albums of photos to the families over the coming days, IY”H. May we hear good news!!

bbob argentinad

bbob baltimored

bbob beit shemeshd

bbob costa ricad

bbob houstond

bbob jerusalem 2d

bbob lakewoodd

bbob nyc2d

bbob nycd

bbob singapore

bbob south africad

bbob switzerlandd

bbob tivond

bbob agoura hillsd

bbob australiad

bbob bocad

bbob chicagod

bbob dunwoody georgiad

bbob eladd

bbob lakewoodd

bbob londond

bbob minneapolisd

bbob monsey 2d

bbob monsey tehillimd

bbob monseyd

bbob moscowd

bbob nachlaotd

bbob oak parkd

bbob ottawad

bbob prague2d

bbob pragued

bbob tivond

bbob waterburyd

sy rigler d


  1. Where do we send the photo?

  2. Thank you Jenny for putting up this pictures. I think S.Y. Rigler’s picture says it all– who are we asking to bring up our boys? Great reminder that Hashem is behind and in the front of it all.

  3. thank you for posting. In the zchus of all the love and caring, tehillim, shmiras haloshon, torah learning, may the boys come home safely to their parents, families, and klal yisrael.

  4. Thank you for organizing this project!
    Will you be posting the rest of the pictures?

  5. We are all one family.

  6. Yehudis chana

    Thank you!

  7. I work in a hospital children’s ward where we say Tehillim regularly for the children hospitalized there. This past week we said Tehillim with the children for Eyal, Gilad and Naftali. It was wonderful to see how all the staff joined in, religious, not religious, Jews, Arabs, Christians, ALL of us prayed and will continue praying until our boys are back home with their families!
    B’sorot Tovot!

  8. This is so incredibly moving. I’m sorry I didn’t send in a photo in time….. Yesher Koach to all the mothers who contributed. It will surely be an immense comfort and encouragement.
    Amazing, Chana Jenny.

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