Almost a Bride– For Eternity
This Tisha b’Av I will be crying for Edna Sarosi, the bereaved fiance of 23-year-old IDF commander Hadar Guldin who eulogized him today at his funeral. Her intense grief, I think, holds within it all Jewish suffering from the Temple’s destruction until today.
Edna said:
“My Hadar. The love of my life. My and our Israeli hero. I have no idea where to even begin. I don’t really know how to separate from you, only if we could separate and then get back together again, and even that would be difficult.
“I can’t imagine you dead, you are the most alive person I know in the entire world. You are all infinite vitality which can be seen from your smile from ear to ear, from your shining eyes, all the way to the tips of your fingers. An insane vitality that grasps everyone who even meets you along the way.
“It moved me each and every time, that anything we had a bit of a hard time deciding [about the wedding] you would say, ‘But Edna, it doesn’t matter at all. I just want for you to be the bride.’ I so wanted to be your bride, Hadar. I depended on you that we would be a couple of eternity. I didn’t think you would leave me alone so quickly.”
Here is a video of Edna’s entire eulogy:
Heart-breaking 🙁
He will be back very soon with Moshiach Tzdkeinu.
Your suffering is all of our suffering, but just
remember, HaShem keeps his promises. Complete
revelation of Moshiach in process. Our souls
are always alive and connected! He is a Kadosh!
Unimaginable. I wonder if a woman supposed to me married to a kadosh, since they had the same soul, is therefore herself considered specially kedosha? I would like to think so. These almost brides were chosen to lose their fiancées to kiddush Hashem and mesirut nefesh. They must be very very special women. Indeed all spouses of those who die al kiddush Hashem.
My heart cries for all of them. May Hashem comfort them all and give them strength to endure this devastating Nisayon.