Left-Wing Father on Injured Right-Wing Son: “ We Agree to Disagree: I love Him With all my Heart”

Left-Wing Father on Injured Right-Wing Son: “ We Agree to Disagree: I love Him With all my Heart”

Temple-Mount activist Yehuda Glick is still in serious but stable condition following his shooting by an Arab terrorist this past Wednesday. Yediot Achronot printed a touching article yesterday about the close relationship between Yehuda and his father, Professor Shimon Glick, Dean of Ben Gurion University’s School of Health Sciences, as well as well-known left-wing activist.

Journalist Chen Kotes-Bar interviewed Professor Glick at Shaarei Tsedek Hospital, where he has remained by his son’s hospital bed since the shooting.

Kotes-Bar writes:
“Shimon Glick made an important decision. Don’t mix politics and family. ‘We are pluralistic,’ Shimon Glick states with pride. He and his wife have six children, 46 grandchildren and 50 great-grandchildren. ‘All of them are religious, but among them are also National Charedi and Charedi Jews, of all types. I have one son who is completely Charedi, who doesn’t want to hear anything about attending university, and the other ones also have different opinions. We talk about everything, there is no topic which is forbidden. There is an expression, “ I strongly oppose you, and will fight fiercely for your right to express your opinion.’ Everyone is allowed to say what he or she thinks, and the other person accepts that. And that’s how it is with Yehuda. We agree to disagree…‘Yehuda respects me and I respect him. And we love each other with all our hearts.’…

Professor Shimon Glick

Professor Shimon Glick

Shimon Glick continues: ‘Yehuda will not wake up over the coming days. I assume that they will keep Yehuda under general anesthesia. But I imagine the moment that he wakes up and we can talk for the first time since the shooting. What will I say to him? That I love him and that he should gain strength and recover and that he should continue to be Yehuda Glick.”


  1. Professor Glick was active in Rav Amital’s party Meimad. That is a long way from being a left wing activist.

  2. Refuah shelaimah bekarov!

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