Mah tishtochati nafshi? Put your hope in Hashem! It is so easy to dwell on what we have lost – what has been taken away. Yet, Chana Jenny – you are so right . . . think of all we have! A thousand blessings with blessings and blessings are ours in Hashem. How fortunate we are! Let us think about this today. Racheli is showing us, it can be done! Thank you Jenny!
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Mah tishtochati nafshi? Put your hope in Hashem! It is so easy to dwell on what we have lost – what has been taken away. Yet, Chana Jenny – you are so right . . . think of all we have! A thousand blessings with blessings and blessings are ours in Hashem. How fortunate we are! Let us think about this today. Racheli is showing us, it can be done! Thank you Jenny!
Thanks so much, Chana Jenny!! It was exactly the kind of encouraging drasha I needed to hear! Tizki l’mitzvot!!’