The Most Incredible Mishloach Manot I Received this Purim
Check out the mind-blowing Mishloach Manot I received this Purim from a JewishMOM who is very dear to my heart and wishes to remain anonymous.
This MM is in honor of the great miracle Hashem made for the Jewish people this past summer, when Israel unexpectedly went to war with the Hamas, and discovered a large network of terror tunnels which the Hamas had been building in preparation for a mega-terror attack they were planning for this past Rosh Hashana. Security experts say the Hamas had been planning an attack on the scale of the Yom Kippur war which would have brought “Israel to its knees.” B”H, we were miraculously saved from a great tragedy.
This MM has several parts:
It’s scary and sad how quickly we forget about all the mind-blowing miracles Hashem does for us. So, thank you Mrs. Anonymous for this inspiring MM reminder. And, of course, thank you Hashem!
Wow! Thank you, Mrs. Anonymous – and Chana Jenny – for this very important reminder!
Yes, thank you!!
Thank you for sharing! How creative and grateful-this person must be wonderful to have in your life besides on Purim!