That was funny bec your example was exactly what I planned on getting done today – cleaning the living room and washing the shabbos dishes! And on those days when nothing gets done — are your children happy? Are they wearing clean clothes? Did they eat three meals? Then your day was successful even if nothing on the list got done..
That was funny bec your example was exactly what I planned on getting done today – cleaning the living room and washing the shabbos dishes!
And on those days when nothing gets done — are your children happy? Are they wearing clean clothes? Did they eat three meals? Then your day was successful even if nothing on the list got done..
good point!
Well, what did you end up getting done today at the end??? The white skirt?
I ended up cleaning up… but dishes are still sitting and it’s 8:20pm with lunches to be made, table to be cleared… maybe.
I did all three things– made a meal! bought the white skirt! made a peptalk! got to almost nothing else though…
Well it’s good you got to your main things, otherwise your peptalk would’ve been pointless!