The Soldier’s Pregnant Wife

The Soldier’s Pregnant Wife

Hadas, our oldest, is our pioneer/guinea pig, who introduces Josh and me to every new stage of life as parents of Israeli children. Hadas was the first child we had to figure out where to send to gan, to school, to high school, and now to (WOW!) National Service.

A few weeks ago Hadas’ principal gave a talk for us mothers about National Service, which the vast majority of my daughter’s classmates will be volunteering for next year.

As we waited for the rabbi to arrive, Hadas and I sat down in the front row (my choice, not Hadas’), and I took out a pen and a pocket notebook– I didn’t want to miss a word of this!

In his talk, the principal emphasized the irreplaceable contribution National-Service girls make in Israel’s schools, hospitals, orphanages, non-profits, etc. etc. etc. He also spoke at length about the potential risks of National Service, and the steps we must take to stay clear of them.

But he also said one line, which surprised me. And stuck with me.

The Rabbi said, “And, of course, all these girls IY”H in the coming years will merit to do true National Service, as mothers who raise the children and build the families of Am Yisrael.”


This morning I was walking by the Central Bus Station when I noticed a young couple walking towards me. The husband was an IDF soldier, with a green uniform and a rifle slung around his shoulder.

This is a very scary time to be a soldier. Over recent weeks, Arab terrorists have been targeting our young soldiers, and nearly every day a soldier has been injured or killed.

I looked at the baby face of the soldier walking towards me, and thought of the risks which he and thousands like him endure so that Jews can live in the land of Israel.

And then I looked at his very pregnant wife, and I thought of the principals’ words: “all these girls IY”H will merit to do true National Service, as mothers who raise the children and build the families of Am Yisrael.”

And tears sprung into my eyes as I looked at this couple and thought of his National Service. And hers. And mine. And yours.


  1. This brought tears to my eyes, just thinking of the risks and the bitachon that those wives choose to live with every day…

  2. Honestly, that was the most beautiful thing ever. wow. Thank you so much.

  3. yivarechecha hashem v’yishmerecha, may hashem watch over all our soldiers, men

    and women each moment, and may we only have shalom here. your daughter should

    be matzliach on this next stage of her life.

  4. chana jenny, please tell us more
    many of us americans just don’t know
    what is national service? for girls who are not entering the army, but who are willing to serve in other capacities?
    please explain

    • National service: it counts like army service, you need to go through one of the amutot, organizations who place you.

      It can be: working in Yad Sarah, making sandwiches for kids whose families have no money in needy schools, working as a dorm counselor in an ulpana, running a snif of Bnei Akiva, working in a government office (of any sort), working in a children’s ward at a hospital, in a children’s hospital, or with disabled or sick kids, working in a court, and pretty much anything else…the idea is to give organizations that *need* a hand but don’t have money, the help that they need. And the girls get an apartment with other national service girls, and a “salary” similar to that of the soldiers’.

      Girls choose their sheirut leumi based on what they want to do with their lives, what they enjoy, what they want to gain experience in…similar to the way soldiers choose their units.

      • thanks littleduckies for answering rishe. Just wanted to add that religious girls are not required to do the army or any kind of national service, so doing Sherut Leumi is voluntary.

  5. May you see true nachas from her and her siblings. May Hashem protect all of us everywhere!

  6. Chana Jenny, I just want to let you know that I have seen girls in my (government) office doing their national service. It’s not the best environment for a nice religious 18 year old. So choose your place well.

    • the rabbi said we need to be really careful about finding a suitable placement for the girls in a good environment…I hope it will be OK

  7. To the poster who is concerned about placing a nice religious girl:

    Most “nice religious girls” become professional breadwinners! They will need to merge into society at some point. If they are well prepared and understand the need for modesty (most importantly in behaviour even more so than dress which is of course the primary boundary setter) and setting clear boundaries: the sooner they learn to apply and live with that knowledge, the better. National Service is a great way to merge into society within a formal framework. We can’t keep our girls wrapped up forever….

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