Great peptalk, Chana Jenny! I love this word, “sha-a-nan” – that you introduced. I found it in Isaiah 33:20 – “Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem, a peaceful abode,~” a naveh sha-anan. Also in the Proverbs of Solomon – 1:33 – “but whoever listens to me (wisdom), will live in safety and be at ease, “sha-a-nan”, without fear of harm.” So, it looks to me like an “inside thing” – the heart is steadfast and therefore at ease, even in stressful situations. Beautiful!
I think this comes hand in hand with emunah. When we meditate about the fact that He is taking care of us every minute as we do our own hishtadlut we can be calm and accepting of our fate.
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Great peptalk, Chana Jenny! I love this word, “sha-a-nan” – that you introduced. I found it in Isaiah 33:20 – “Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem, a peaceful abode,~” a naveh sha-anan. Also in the Proverbs of Solomon – 1:33 – “but whoever listens to me (wisdom), will live in safety and be at ease, “sha-a-nan”, without fear of harm.”
So, it looks to me like an “inside thing” – the heart is steadfast and therefore at ease, even in stressful situations. Beautiful!
I think this comes hand in hand with emunah. When we meditate about the fact that He is taking care of us every minute as we do our own hishtadlut we can be calm and accepting of our fate.
Yes Renee! Well said!