Dafna Meir’s Final Letter to her Son

Dafna Meir’s Final Letter to her Son

This week, hundreds of people gathered in Jerusalem to pay tribute to Dafna Meir HY”D, who was murdered by an Arab terrorist at the entrance to her home in Otniel a month ago.

15-year-old Akiva Meir shared the letter his mother wrote to him several months before, and which he sees today as a goodbye letter, an ethical will, from the mother he loved so much:

Akiva and Natan Meir this week at the Jerusalem tribute for Dafna HY"D

Akiva and Natan Meir this week at the Jerusalem tribute for Dafna HY”D

Dafna wrote:

“Our dear, sweet Akiva,

“Every day that passes you grow more and more. You are growing physically and spiritually as well. The results are visible to the eye…

“I wish for you that joy and nachat will always be the center of your life. I also wish for you that you will succeed in all of your pursuits, and that you will see in everything you do a kind of success. Even when a grade appears to be a failure. When you are happy, there are no failures. I also wish for you that you will grow in your faith in the Creator of the World, who cuts [a piece of] life for each living being.

“From us, may you draw strength for everything you need, and may you hang upon Hashem your desires and prayers.

“My love for you is endless,

“Eema Dafna”

When Akiva finished reading his mother’s letter, he added:

“And now, when everything has been cut down, I stand across from Him, and I am silent. I stand across from the Infinite, and I know that he did this just like He does everything.

“And suddenly I see a picture that is a little bigger. Bigger than me. Bigger than all of us.

“Master of the Universe, I want to say one word to you, just one: Thank You.

“Despite the difficuly. Thank you for fifteen and a half years of light. Thank You for being with me at the most difficult moments. And that You will be with me during even more difficult moments. And also for all the other miracles which You have performed for me.

“Thank You. You gave, and You took. May Your name be blessed forever.”


  1. This is beautiful beyond words. An encouragement to me – to write and say all that is on my heart to my husband and children while I can.

  2. Wow! I’m speechless…

  3. That is absolutely mind blowing. I can only speculate that such a mature, wise young man does not grow in a vacuum and that his parents had something to do with his strength. Like many others have expressed, I wish I had know Dafna. I envy her son’s steadfast faith and clarity…

  4. Hard to fathom such rock steady emunah! I hope her prayers and dreams for him come true despite this tremendous loss and challenge.

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