Our 20th Anniversary Chaperone

Our 20th Anniversary Chaperone

Yesterday, Josh and I went on an overnight trip to Nes Harim in honor of our TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY this Friday.

15-month-old Yonatan is still nursing, so he served as chaperone for our special getaway.

For the most part, Yonatan wasn’t much trouble, as he sat in his stroller munching on chocolate-chip cookies and bananas.

The only problem surfaced at 6:55 AM when Yonatan, who, I suppose, hadn’t heard that we were on vacation, woke up and wanted me to wake up too.

I was determined to remain in bed until 8 AM. So Yonatan climbed onto my bed, sat his stinky self down on my head, and pulled my hair until I came, surprisingly quickly, to see his point of view.

Being woken up by my phone would have been more pleasant (though, admittedly, less effective).

But I guess it was appropriate on our anniversary trip to receive a wake-up call from my own child…

One of the eight greatest blessings we’ve received since we heard those seven blessings under our chuppah 20 years ago.


  1. Mazal tov on your anniversary!

  2. Mazal tov! Enjoy all of your blessings for many more healthy and happy years together.

  3. BH

    mazal tov & many happy returns –
    wishing you gefen! gezunt, parnassa, nachat בע”ה
    גזונט-פרנסה- נחת!

  4. mazel tov mazel tov!!!

  5. mazel tov!! only simchas and nachas!

  6. Mazel Tov & much nachas!!

    and Thank you for the inspiration!

  7. thank you for everything you do!!!! and mazal tov, mazal tov!!!!!

  8. Yes, once I took a kid on a vacation of our’s too. He wanted to walk up and down the hotel halls all day long…

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