Ivanka Trump’s Beautiful Jewish Baby

Ivanka Trump’s Beautiful Jewish Baby

For the first time in many years I’ve been closely following US politics–trying to figure out whom I should vote for.

Still pretty baffled by the 2016 presidential race, but it has been interesting to see how many Jewish connections there are among the candidates: Jewish Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s Jewish son-in-law, Donald Trump’s Jewish daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren.

Mazal tov to the Ivanka Trump-Kushner on the birth of her “beautiful Jewish grandchild” (this is how his grandfather, Donald, referred to him) this past weekend. Not sure what I think of her grandfather, but Theodore James is definitely a major cutie! (Funny that my newest nephew, also born last week, is also a Theodore– Anatol Theodore Benjamin Weisberg*. Named after Josh’s grandfather, Opa Theo.) Much nachas!

trump birth announcement

trump with baby husband

trump with baby

*Anatol means “sunrise” in Greek. Isn’t that a gorgeous name? By the way, my son Yoel Elchanan is also named after Opa Theo– Theodore means “Gift from G-d,” similar to Elchanan “G-d granted.”


  1. Ayalah Haas

    Thank you Chana Jenny!
    Cute indeed.
    We also have a “Theodore” in my family and he’s not only cute, but a real tzaddik!
    Just wondering… has anyone else noticed that the most often-used nickname for “Theodore” is “Ted,” which is also the name of the nemesis of Ivanka’s dad?

  2. Chana Schboenberg

    does Theodore get a Jewish name, and if so, I wonder what it would be?

  3. please don’t tell me that you are voting for trump. 🙁 while a lot of what he says is probably just campaign rhetoric, thats what people thought of Hitler’s drivel about the Jews. in fact, some richer jews even thought that Hitler would only target the poorer jews and their wealth offered them immunity. we all know now how that went…

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