The Serene Mother’s Secret

The Serene Mother’s Secret

The following anecdote is based on a story shared by Mrs. Miryam Swerdlov on the Eishes Chayil hotline:

A woman was once in the supermarket, and overheard the mother of a young daughter who was having a series of tantrums.

“But mommy, I don’t want cornflakes! I want Cap’n Crunch! Noooow!”

The mother quietly responded in a calm voice: “Rivka, soon we’ll be home. I’ll get you something to eat and you’ll take a little rest.”

A few minutes later…”But mommy, I don’t want peanut butter! I want chocolate spread! Noooow!”

The mother responded in a calm voice: “Rivka, soon we’ll be home. I’ll get you something to eat and you’ll take a little rest.”

A few minutes later, on the check out line…”Mommy, buy me some BAZOOKA!!! If you don’t buy me gum, you are the world’s worst mommy!”

The mother, once again, responded quietly in a calm voice: “Rivka, soon we’ll be home. I’ll get you something to eat and you’ll take a little rest.”

The woman who had overheard all these interactions was amazed. How could this mother possibly remain so calm and unflustered despite her daughter’s tirades, not once, not twice, but three times!

The woman had to find out the mother’s secret, “Excuse me, but I just have to say how amazed I was by how calmly you spoke with your daughter, Rivka.”

“What do you mean?” the mother responded, “my daughter’s name is Yocheved. My name is Rivka.”

And the woman understood the serene mother’s secret– you can’t take care of anyone else unless you first take care of yourself.


  1. what a GREAT story!!

  2. Wow, What an answer. May we all learn and share Rivka’s secret, to be Tzadkaniot and gain respect from our kids by reacting like a Queen.

  3. How does one access the aishes Chayil hotline?

  4. That’s hilarious.

  5. Very funny
    And so cute

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