Love love love!! Thank you! Now I have more Simcha knowing that what I do at home for my family is a shlichus. We know these things but we also easily forget how lofty it all is.
I have to make a point here: I think it would have been more sensitive to relate the fried eggplant story from the point of view of a mother who wants to make her child his favourite foods whenever he’s in town and not include the background information….. I actually think mothers in law need to be more in tune with those kind of comparisons….
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Love love love!! Thank you! Now I have more Simcha knowing that what I do at home for my family is a shlichus. We know these things but we also easily forget how lofty it all is.
I have to make a point here: I think it would have been more sensitive to relate the fried eggplant story from the point of view of a mother who wants to make her child his favourite foods whenever he’s in town and not include the background information….. I actually think mothers in law need to be more in tune with those kind of comparisons….