What I am Doing Every Day this Elul

What I am Doing Every Day this Elul

Every day of Elul, I spend a few minutes thinking about my goals for this coming year. Rabbi Nivin says you can spend even just one minute a day reflecting on the year that was and the year that will be, but that one minute is a life-changer. Since every minute of introspection in Elul equals 10 minutes of introspection the rest of the year. That is why Rabbi Nivin calls Elul “International Deep Thinking Month.”

Elul is related to the Aramaic word meaning “to explore.” And that’s what I hope you will join me in doing during these weeks leading up to Rosh Hashana. Exploring your dreams and hopes and paths to a better year for you and your family in 5777, IY”H.


  1. Thank you Chana Jenny for reminding me of the importance of Elul.

    For my simple Elul plan, I wish to relive scenes from my childhood. You see I have carried this idea that my childhood was not as good as it could have been.

    So for Elul, maybe no more then 5 minutes a day, I relive a time that was really wonderful. For example, yesterday I returned to kindergarten and recalled how I loved to do art projects and how the teacher, Mrs. Schneider, encouraged me to do all types of art. After the reminiscing, I thanked Hashem for such beautiful memories. Today I will continue, thinking about how my brothers included me with their boy friends in making a snowball fort and how much fun it was to be playing in the snow and being part of a boisterous group long ago.

    Thank you and I wish everyone the best Elul and may it lead to the Happiest, Healthiest, and most Unbelievable New Year for All.

    Chaya Rivka Carasso

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